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LaTex Paper Generation for CERC 2023

What can I do with this Tool ?

Papers submitted for CERC 2023 have to be written in LaTex. With this tool you are able to generate the paper and all files you need to submit your paper.

As the reviewing will be blind, papers must not include authors’ names and affiliations. For submitting your paper for the blind review process, this tool also offer anonymised variants of the paper.


If you want to use latex directly, we suggest that you fill in the initial dialog with title and authors, save it and then use the ⇪function »Download Resources« to download the required files. Then you can use »paper.tex« as template, which contains all settings for CERC papers.

LaTex-Beginners – You don't know LaTex ?

We suggest that you first create the paper with your own tools (text processor) and then use this generator to convert it into LaTex. Then you don't have to worry about formatting and other formalities. You only have to provide files for figures. Everything else can be done in this tool, including the creation of the literature references.

Where to find Help ?

Using the tool the first time, you see the form of the ⇪function »edit Title And Authors«. After completing and saving these information, you will see the main menu (which is always shown at the bottom of the page) and the shortcut menu at the bottom right window corner (open it by clicking on the text »Short- cuts«).

Using the ⇪function »show Main Help« the complete help information will be shown in new window / browser tab.

If you are using one of the menu functions there will be a »?« in the upper window center to view help information for the selected section of the tool. Click on the ⊗ in the upper left corner to close the help text.

General How To

  • Complete the form »edit Title And Authors« and save it.
  • Add abstract and keywords using the ⇪function »edit Abstract«.
  • Add figures using the ⇪function »add Figure« (upload all your image files). If it is possible, please use the PDF format for your figures. Then you can upload PDF files with one figure on each page and the system splits that to a set of figures.
  • For each figure you should set a title and the width in % (100 % means the whole text column with) using the ⇪function »show detailed Figure List«.
  • Enter your list of literature using the ⇪function »edit Literature List«.
  • Add your chapters and subchapters using the ⇪function »edit Chapter List«.
  • Arrange the structure of your chapters and subchapters using the ⇪function »edit Paper Structure« under »edit Chapter List«.
  • You can have a look at the preview of the paper using the ⇪function »show Paper Preview in Browser«; you can look at the generated LaTex using the ⇪function »show Paper in LaTex Format«; also you can view the generated PDF using the ⇪function »generate PDF«.
  • The anonymised variant of the generated LaTex oyu con look at using the ⇪function »show anonymised Paper in LaTex Format«; also you can view the generated anonymised PDF using the ⇪function »generate anonymised PDF«.
  • If your paper is ready (or you like to have a local backup) you can use the ⇪function »Download Resources« to download all resources including the LaTex sources, the files provided by CEUR WS for the paper build process, your images, and the generated PDF files (incl. an anonymised PDF). Choosing this function, a new browser window / browser tab will open and you will be forwarded to your folder within our NextCloud. (This may take a few seconds !) Here you can see the list of available files. If you want to download all files, please use the button »Download all files« / »Alle Dateien herunterladen« on the top right of the window. You will get a ZIP archive with all files.

Note : All recorded data can be changed at any time.

Details for the parts of the generator

Title, Authors

Using the ⇪function »edit Title And Authors« you can add max. 8 authors with their first and last names, their affiliation and personal contact details (email, url of their web site and ORCID ID).

Please put the title of your paper in the 1st field of the form. A subtitle is not allowed by CEUR WS (where the proceedings will be published).

Abstract, Keywords

Please edit the abstract using »edit Abstract« and put all your keywords in the field »Keywords« separated by a comma (we recommend 3–7 words).


Please add all your literature items here using the ⇪function »edit Literature List«.

A literature item can be a book or an article. In general there are far more literature types, but this system don't differentiate. It automatically decides how to classify the literature items into article or book.

If you have for example a paper which is in a book, please add the book first and then the paper. During editing the paper, you should select the book in the section »Included in book / proceedings«. Therefore open the »List of books / proceedings …« and click on »select« in the appropriate book. Save the paper and it will be shown as ppp in bbb (oaoer in book) in the literature list (which you can look at using the ⇪function »show detailed Literature List«).


Please upload all your figures using the ⇪function »add Figure«.

Only Images (jpeg or png format) and PDF files allowed; max. size : 5 MByte.

For upload we suppose to use the PDF format. This has 3 advantages :

  • Text will be in maximum quality (it is not rendered as pixel-graphic)
  • Vector-Graphics in the PDF will also not be rendered and will show up in maximum quality
  • You can combine some figures in one PDF (one figure on a page) and the system will split them into single pages and crop it so that only the used part of every page will be used for the figure.

You can see a list of all figures available using the ⇪function »show detailed Figure List«. There you can also set the title of the figure, which is used as caption of the figure in the paper. Also you can set the width of the figure in % of the text width (e.g., 50 % means half the page width).


Please use the ⇪function »edit Chapter List« to add and edit your Chapters.

To add a chapter use the ⇪function »add a Chapter / Subchapter« at the top of the chapter list. Save the chapter and then use the ⇪function »edit again« or chose the chapter in the »Chapter List« and use the »edit« function in the box of the chapter to add literature references, figures, and references to figures and chapters to the text.


Add References

To add literature references, figures, and references to figures and chapters to the text select what you want to add at the top right corner of the window by clicking the »view« function. In the showed list click on the item you want to add. Then a new window / tab will be opened.

For a literature reference click the button »copy Literature ID to clipboard«. This window / tab will close after 10 seconds. Click into the »Content of Chapter« box, move the cursor at the point where to add the literature reference and press »Ctrl + V« to paste the Literature ID there.

To place a figure click the button »copy Figure ID to clipboard«. This window / tab will close after 10 seconds. Click into the »Content of Chapter« box, move the cursor at the point where to add the figure and press »Ctrl + V« to paste the Figure ID there.

For a figure reference click the button »copy Reference to Figure ID to clipboard«. This window / tab will close after 10 seconds. Click into the »Content of Chapter« box, move the cursor at the point where to add the figure reference and press »Ctrl + V« to paste the reference to Figure ID there.

For a reference to a chapter click the button »copy Reference to Chapter ID to clipboard«. This window / tab will close after 10 seconds. Click into the »Content of Chapter« box, move the cursor at the point where to add the reference to the chapter and press »Ctrl + V« to paste the Chapter ID there.

Note : All references are containing the Reference-Type and ID first and then information about what is referenced their for an better overview during edition (e.g., the figure title, chapter title or author and title of a literature item).

Add Special Characters

To add a special character to the select »Special Characters« in the menu at the top right corner of the window by clicking the »view« function. In the showed list click on the item you want to add. The code will be copied to your clipboard. Click into the »Content of Chapter« box, move the cursor at the point where to add the character and press »Ctrl + V« to paste it there.

Tool © Dr. Robert Loew, 2025 –

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